
We specialize in high-performance buildings, from commercial campuses and university laboratories to museums and single-family residences. Our focus and expertise is in sustainable environments that deliver efficiency, comfort and delight.

Light, Energy, Environment


Lighting is crucial to the experience and delight in any architecture. Well designed lighting assists wayfinding, provides a connection with nature and supports the activities we are engaged in throughout the day and into the night. L+U designs daylighting and electric lighting as integrated aspects of the architecture and experience, balancing aesthetic intentions, spatial order, visual comfort and technical understanding. For electric lighting, daylighting and shading analysis we use RADIANCE software, a research grade light simulation software based on the physics of light and material properties. Physical models, glazing samples, and mock-ups can be tested in our lighting lab in Alameda or on-site.


Case Studies


We aspire to design buildings that can “sail”. Just as a sailboat is designed to use the wind to move and is operated in response to wind shifts and weather, a building should be working with the natural energies on site to keep the occupants comfortable and healthy. A small mechanical system is designed to supplement these natural energies when necessary – as a small motor can move the sailboat when it is becalmed. This energy can be generated with sun and wind and stored for both boats and buildings, resulting in a zero-energy and responsive design. While we use a wide range of simulation software to provide energy consulting services as described in the Services section below, we find that our approach and strategic thinking about energy use and design forms the first critical foundation of our consulting.


Case Studies


The most convincing sustainable design is that which we value enough to maintain, re-use, re-inhabit and pass on to future generations. The most sustainable design must start as good design and it must also perform beautifully. We help owners and design teams identify ambitious environmental goals and find the process to achieve them. This is the raison d'être of our firm and our work.


Case Studies